So there it is… 02’ F4i, 3xxx miles on it, only on its barely worn 2nd set of tires, and it came with 2 helmets…
Never dropped, mint condition, and still paid a 3 yearold bike price for it…
Plans are already moving to powdercoat the spokes black instead of the yellow they are now…
As for me… nope, never ridden a bike ever… but I don’t want to die never trying it… and soon after college I hope to be going into the forces… so I’d like to get started ASAP… signed up for the MSF course a few weeks ago before I even started really looking to buy one…
Newman helped out a ton by picking it up on the way back from getting his lotus, the seller actually drove up from central ohio to meet him on his way back, he had him sign the papers for me and what not and I wire transferred the money to him just before the dropoff… all in all it was amazing everything timed together so well but it all worked out FTW.
note: both vehicles are now hibernating in the garage
A local guy on s2ki pc’d his wheels black on his spa yellow S… I’m just not feelin it… gun metal looks pwn on spa yellow though… i <3 LE37Ts
Only reason I went yellow on the S2k was because it was an awesome deal from a honda dealership w/ a warranty… I LOVE the black/black 600RR and R6 but I wanted it to match my car I guess the latter comment is ricerish :shrug:
Yeah, same exact spokes, no lip on my wheels though… I noticed the same thing when I saw the other post…
comments on the stock can… wellll as andre and i will tell you, loud exhausts attract attention… i rocked the stock can on my 954 all year and didnt get a single ticket… last year on the green bike with a d and d pipe i had 6 tickets… coincidence i think not