Finally picked a costume.

ill be the one in the blue. who want the red suit?

I will but I will have to make a small switch with the costume…like flip flopping the gear

Ooooh sweet… I should be a RED X too!

EDIT: AHhhhh fuck… the pic just now worked… and after seeing it, I wish it stayed a red X

I’m going as the gimp and the female will be the officer and drag me around. i think it will be fun. :slight_smile:

I said the EXACT same thing!!! :lol:

LOL so wrong

bahahaha…Now thats sexy…lol
I want me an asian guy…lol…jk…IM not gay…lol :eekdance:

Heh, now I have the sudden urge to get a large box, and paint it white with a big red X. :smiley:

haha… this one kid at transit middle had a sweet costume a couple years ago. he went dressed in all black with barbie dolls glued to him.
he was a chick magnet.

omg my eyes are burning

You wont do it. I dare you to wear that as a costume. :mamoru:

that “poke” only works on xander. but on a serious note im gonna be Duffman.

He would need to fill in the stars.

Duffman AKA Ferrari :smiley:
