FINALLY...some new shoes!

Nice puma

^^^HAHAHA thanks


^^ about 23-24lbs

What are you doing with the old stock ones? What bolt pattern are they?

So there I am thinking “sweet the kid finally smartened up and got new shoes” Then I see the rims and I was thinking “oh well theres still hope”…And just as I’m about to click out of the thread I see it in the lower left hand corner, Sure as shit… Fuckin Galoshes…You Suck


ur wrong jess…those shoes are diff than the other pumas :slight_smile:

might be keeping them …but i’ll let ya know

meh…replica wheels…u should have got a replica M3 then like that Pimp My ride Escort…or do you??? :snky:


replica wheels > than spenindg $3000 on real ACS wheels

yeah, its not like we are talking about $100/corner pep boy specials. They may be replicas but are still nice quality.


well…finally got the wheels and tires on thanks to joe (nitroinsane)…he comes through once again.

this pic doesn’t do much justice…but i took it with my phone cause my digi cam is dead and i dont have the charger right now. I will get some better pics soon

Hot :tup:

nice man, I lOVE that model wheel

looks sooooo hot :tup:


they look great :tup:


Raw :tup: