FINALLY...some new shoes!

pimp :tup:

what size are those tires, they look thick


Purdy. :tup:

Looks better than I thought it would. Post up some more pics when you get a chance.

i’ll try and grab more pics later on if i head to the parents house

skunk…those look perfect! no, no…better than perfect.

nice man! good to see you got something done lol

:tup: looks hawt

love it…very nice looking on the car. :tup:

wow man it looks really good…stop over this week so i can take some pics!

Yeah and if your over your parents come accross the street and take some pics of my car for me too.

:tup: jlo

full pics or ban :slight_smile:


lemme go take some pics with my phone…i’ll host them in a few min

here are a few more…not the greatest quality…but they will have to do for now

:tup: good boy

looks nice man.

:tup: much improved!

You know your ghetto when the wheels on your car are clean and the rest of the ride is filthy


…it’s true haha