Finances, do you haz it?

retirement and savings account, uh huh



my money comes as fast as i can run and goes as fast as I can fall !

I go basically paycheck to paycheck, save a minimum of $40 every paycheck but not for savings, I really only save to buy things eventually, depleting my savings.

I’ll budget each check accordingly, total up all of my bills, pay them or leave that money set aside in my checking (the ones that are auto withdrawl) the rest is money to live off of, eat, gas, pot, etc.

I also have something similar…

I have auto transfers set up for some accounts…

every week…

To Savings (for rainy day)
To HIGH YEILD Savings (different account for saving for a house)
To Joint Checking (for investing)
and the remaining balance in checking for bills…

That reminds me… I have to finish my paperwork for my 401K plan

hookers and blow…