Find me a car for

just keep looking for the “main cars” (swapped GC, ae86, FC or FD, etc.). you’ll find one eventually. you have a car to drive around temporarily so don’t rush anything and buy something because it’s “kind of” what you want. good things will come to those who wait

Yeah but my dad isn’t going to wait to drive the jeep once he can walk again :rofl

like you said, not like he goes anywhere anyway :lol

You’re not being a dick, just irrational.

You’ve just gotten rid off an AWD, 4dr, turbo, newer car which most of the world will consider the definition of a perfect DD that has lots of potential due to “reliability issues” and you’re now looking at older vehicles wanting them to be reliable.

Sure Rx7 might be quick to rebuild and may burn a little oil every mile, but you’ve got to realize, it’s the fact that it will be down at all that is the problem.

All of those cars are a fine choice and are very typical project choices, if you get a second car as a back up/winter.

Really what you’re doing is you’re looking for a great performance car, or a car with lots of performance potential and trying to justify it to yourself that you can use it as a DD. Unfortunately it’s sort of like watching somebody do a backflip and thinking “oh it was easy, I can do that”, while in the meantime others are telling you, that it’s not in fact all that easy.

Using any RWD vehicle in NY during the winter is doable, but it’s not anybody’s first choice, especially if you’re dealing with a perfomance platform, especially if it’s in good shape.

You can get one of these beauties for around $500

Vlad has spoken.

and i agree with everything he’s saying :lol

Sleeper project. Drop in a Mazda Speed Protege drivetrain.

your getting all kinds of riled up


I used to have one of them, it was my first car. It beat the 99-00 Si’s when they came out. Impressive for it’s time.

Wrx was definately a great dd, not going to argue that.
I don’t know how much I’ll be driving my new car this winter because It’s not going to be on campus with me. I would probably only use it to go skiing.
I had to check the oil on the wrx everytime I got gas. I would go through at least a quart every 1000 miles just like the owners manual said…
If anything did happen, I have access to one, maybe two, cars.
Driving a rwd car in the winter is most certainly doable. What did people do before awd? I would take meticulous care of the body/paint/undercarriage.

rx7 was really just an example of what I was looking for btw

'91 Escort GT FTW

buy my 2000 EBP si with B18c1 swap for 8k and with the extra $ turbo it

do it! :slight_smile:

buy my champ white 2000 Si with CTR spec engine fo 7500

just don’t get a mazdaspeed 6… worked on a few… one was an '06 with only 24k miles on it, and it was a complete pos.

mag blue TE37’s FTW

Turbo Miata


Kramer, epic fail on those prices.
Adam, epic win on that Miata.

buy my mr2, it will be missing a few things but ill give it to u for 10k.