Find me a car for

chuck walk over to the darkside ,get a domestic

the jdm force is too strong with this one…

what are ya scared? get a car worth doin

chuck pick up that blue si thats for sale on here and slap on a nice suspension

Not my style brah


Maybe. I depends on what it’s got.

liter street bike

Quite a bit more information to narrow it down is required if you want help from the members, there is a million cars out there.

How knew must it be?
Define DD - winter worthy? 4 people? Trunk space? Reliable?
How important is general reliability and cost to fix. A 10 year old car performance German car that was used as a track car, doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.
4 Dr, 2 Dr hatch?

From what it sounds like, the WRX was right up the alley of what you’re looking for. :ponder

that car fits all of your points of concern…


that wrx didnt have much “style either”


your cameo haz NO style.

I use the term dd loosely.
I’ll drive anything in the winter.
Don’t care for pwr steering.
A/C is nice.
Doesn’t matter how many people it can carry.
A trunk that fits two suitcases or a golf bag is more than I’ll ever need.
Reliability is a must.
Audi’s/VW’s need not apply.
Amount of doors doesn’t matter.

Every time I drove the wrx I was afraid I’d break something. It just gave me that feeling.

NOT looking for a big turbo/high hp car.

For that amount or a little more $ I could probably find some nicer.

Not even going to start with you… :rofl

You would try to drive anything in the winter, but expect to either get another set of wheels with winters on them, or buy winters for the wheels the car will have already on it. Unfortunately in most cases, the wheels already on it will be somewhat big(er) so the winters will cost more.

I’m not sure how many miles the WRX had, but generally speaking it was a never car, so at least it wouldn’t have had many wear and tear maintenance issues associated with age.

I’m looking for something along the lines of a rx7, ae86, m3, s2000, 350z, etc etc etc.
Any generation Rx7 is out of the question on at least reliability standpoint.
AE86 - 20 year old vehicle is a project car, not a DD.
M3 new ones are out of price range older ones you really would drive through the winter? Reliability may generally be there, but using an older performance car as DD and putting miles on it year around will make you learn the prices of up keeping an older German performance car. You’re not going to Autozone for parts for this.
S2000 is almost plausible for the price range but fits in most criteria.
350z could be found.

Also consider Rsx, Celica, MrS, Civic Si, Miata, Is300.

Get a 350z lol

just keep looking for a clean ae86, either that or an STi swapped GC. both seem to fit your bill well

I would not get an rx 7…

Not to be a dick, but you are seriously raining on my parade right now. :rofl

I kept the studded snows from the wrx for a reason…
The wrx had 85k on it and the tranny made some wierd ass rattling noise in 2nd and 3rd sometimes.
The rotary engine in a RX7 doesn’t take a long time to rebuild at all. If I got one, the first thing on my agenda would be to fix the cooling issues they all have.
If I found a clean AE86 it would be perfect. I’ve missed out on 3 extremely clean swapped ones already :cry: I wouldn’t mind fixing a few things here and there if they had issues. The engines/drivetrain are hella reliable.
Why wouldn’t anyone drive a mid 90’s e36 m3 through the winter? It’s a luxury car designed to function in all seasons. Yes parts aren’t cheap and I’m definitely keeping that in mind. M3 may be too heavy as well.
I’ve found a few s2000’s in my price range but the fact you can’t put a rack on a hard top is killing me.
I’ve been doing more research on 350z’s and they may be too heavy for my liking, just like the M3.