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All depends on how you drive it R-tard

I wasnt the one driving my cuz wuz and iz waz put’n

Dude listen to vlad here. You definitely want to stay away from an old car if your going to DD it. You think that FWD is so bad when really its not worse at all, that is until you get into a high hp car. IMO an MRS would be a great option along with a newer celica gt-s. If you wanted two cars you could buy/ build a mean swapped EG hatch and a cheap DD like an old subaru.

And murrdogg sure i do work alot. Why is that a problem again? cuz i have to pay for my parts/track events?

Perfect for someone lazy like you

i lol’d at this in the description

Handles better than a z06 vette

cue “omg, kramer, you’re an idiot, FWD does not suck” comments

Actually ive seen this car before as has chuck. We went to williams auto 2 years ago and he was there. I wouldnt doubt if it did out handle z06’s. This would need a legit tune but still well within chucks price range.

it’s not funny because i’m doubting that it’s true, it’s funny because it’s listed as the 4th or 5th selling point of the car :lol

I was just going to comment on that until i read that you already found it… hilarious description

Holy shit I remember that car. That thing was dope.

You wont.

Joe William’s son, Joe, owns it I believe. It’s a sweet ride!

my friend had a blue one, turbo’ed, MSnS, built BP 1.8 swap… thing was STUPID

dude buy the integra that handles better than a z06 vette…cuz its def the only one of its kind

They are fun, until you’re sliding backwards at 80mph… :shifty

Just a reality check man-

If your budget is really 10k, in all truth you cannot afford to mod an S2k. You may be able to pick one up for 8.5k on s2ki or whatnot but it would have 160,000 miles and who knows what done to it. Anything with less miles would be a salvage car or some other issue.

S2k parts are not cheap. Sure the aftermarket has expanded, but you are not going to get easy power out of the car. Not to mention, other stuff like suspension / tires / wheels is not going to be cheap either.

If your budget is JUST 10k for the car and you have 5k to play with after that to even do stuff to it, yeah I guess you could do the S2k / hardtop / bar / suspension etc. But it will take several Gs, not a couple thousand to do what I think you want to do with it. This is my assumption, correct me if I’m wrong…

Some things to think about-

For $8k you could buy a very nicely modded Miata. Nicely meaning complete suspension, bar, likely seats, and an engine that is turbocharged with a quality kit and not ghetto fabbed. If you are the type of person who could get around the fact that it’s a Miata (i.e. you are comfortable with your (hetero?)sexuality) consider the following:

  • It will be way cheaper to fix/maintain than an S2k
  • It will be probably be just as quick (or quicker) as a stock/lightly modded S2k, in a straight line and around a track
  • It can be used as a daily driver, including bad snow days
  • It will ALREADY have a hardtop / roll bar
  • You will have $2k left over to “make it your own” and sell off suspension / wheels on the modded car and go with some crazy isht.

Don’t get me wrong, I love me an AP1 and 9K redline and all of that good stuff, but if you think about it, there’s not much it will offer you over the Miata aside from the looks and the sound/thrill of N/A (although, for $10k you can easily create a Miata with 140-150 whp giving similar lb/hp and the same free revving feel, and uh that’s with car included).

Awesome post.


i thought i’d have a little more money to play around with the MR-2 this year, but i really don’t and i’m perfectly fine with that. it doesn’t really NEED anything, but i have a few hundred laying around if it really does need something (it kinda needs a new exhaust now, for example).

if i ever pick up a DD, it will be when the MR-2 is COMPLETELY paid off and not much more modding is left to be done, and the DD will be well within my means of paying it off and any slight mods i want.

i’ve already been through the stage of “i make $xxx per month, so i’ll make my car payment slightly less than that (the SER)”. now, with the MR-2, i’ve got a less “nice” car, but i love the extra $$$ i’ve got.

just my $.02

Thanks Archie :thumbup
As of now, I have no idea what I’m doing.
The budget isn’t exactly 10k and the car would be kept completely stock this year except for some tires. Once I got a feel for the car I would do some suspension stuff. Power wise, I would keep everything stock. I’m not trying to do some 700whp stock block $hit. :rofl I just want a fun car around corners.

I have been looking at Miata’s but I can’t seem to find what you are describing. If I do, it’s very very far away. If you stumble upon one would you send me the link please? I would be fine owning a Miata but the main thing that worries me is the size. I absolutely love driving them though.

Can you put a ski rack on a Miata hard top? I know you can’t on the s2k but they make one that fits on the trunk. I already have 16" snow tires by the way. :excited

If it had an interior…

with all that stuff on them does it include a free scarf for ickin up the dudes in it , preferably a rainbow one that is long so it dances in the wind …if so he will like that