firewire 800 cable

looking to borrow a 9 pin to 4 pin for about half an hour
i bought one of amazon for 4 bucks and im having issues connecting my camera to final cut pro
just want to know if its my cable or if im having issues anywhere else

is it possible for me to download final cut pro, you are more then welcome to my firewire. I think it is 800 but I will have to check.
Ok these are the two that I have, if one will work for you it is yours.

I have 6 to 6, 9 to 6 and 9 to 9 but no 4 pin mini/micro FW cables. Sorry

i was having problems getting my computer and camera to communicate
i bought a 4 dollar cable off of amazon and figured that would be the problem
ended up buying a new cable from best buy and it works great

---------- Post added at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 AM ----------

and yeah, its very easy to download final cut
i torrented the whole suite