Fireworks displays

Looks like Buffalo is going to be doing one at the new Canal development. Anyone heard if they’re doing a big show?

the new canal park is pretty awesome. i was there the other day.

Rats on the 4th and Castaways on the 3rd :tup: always a great time

You’re gonna stand there, owning a fireworks stand, and tell me you don’t have no whistling bungholes, no spleen spliters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker donts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, or one single whistling kitty chaser?

mm forgot about mickey rats


come on down :tup: lots of broads in small clothing and alcohol :smiley:

lol @ joe dirt quote

yeah my buddy jay is the bouncer there, i might come, what time?

Castaways and Mickey Rats are in different locations. The fireworks at Castaways/Stroh’s are on the 3rd. I’ll be there!

probably around 7-8 on Friday… same on Thursday.

Dawn, u should meet us over there

Will do. Just tell me when/where. I’m there every year. It’s like going to a highschool reunion. Haha.

tell me about it, always fun though :tup:


Yes they are doing one at the wharf


Unless you’re a kid.

or if they go off on the ground :lol:

Did you see the article about China’s struggling fireworks industry in the paper yesterday?
I hate to see Chinese industries struggle.:smiley:
Mickey Rat’s fireworks aren’t even here yet!
They are due on the 3rd.

Apparently rising cost in China is one reason.
Of course shipping costs have sky rocketed(pun intended).
Many ports no longer allow shipping after a large explosion earlier this year.
Some Chinese fireworks companies are actually going bankrupt.

The US industry stands to lose $30,000,000 this year because of lost orders, etc.