First Rig Shots. Editing Advice?

Finally tried out a few rig shots yesterday. Pretty happy for my first time. Not so happy with my editing skillz though. I know CFD and KillerBlackBird have some experience w/ these, you guys or anyone else have some tips on how to get rid of the rig?

I tried using the clone stamp and spot healing brushes, but it didn’t turn out great. And I’m only on CS4.

Thanks for any help guys.

IMG_0615_RAW by Ian. S., on Flickr

IMG_0615_first_edit by Ian. S., on Flickr

Backgrounds can be your best friend when doing rig shots. You have to “imagine” what the shot will be like under motion and how bad it will be to edit. I’ve done some rigs that take me 3+ hours to remove the rig and others that take me 5 minutes. Even if you have a clear sky, the gradient color cast of the sky can be a nightmare as well.

It’s all trial and error. The more you do it, the more you learn, the easier it gets. Wide angle lenses will distort any object that’s up close so that’s another thing to keep in mind too. Also when editing, no one else has seen the photo yet but yourself, so its your call on what’s “believable” about the photo. Is it easier to remove a tree completely than make it look like it was there? That’s your call. No one said that building had to stay there or the cars either.

Good job on removing the camera reflection from the car too :wink:

Also, I’m curious; what are you using for a boom?

always use a cpl while shooting rigs … if you say … but i dont have one … GET ONE

he has the manfrotto and avenger parts right it seems but yea doesnt look like carbon fiber lolz

Ok, thanks guys. Yea definitely realized afterwards that I need to get some filters, had the aperture cranked alll the way down and they were still way overexposed and blown out backgrounds.

And yeah no carbon fiber here, its actually part of an old exhaust we had laying around the shop at school haha.

lol. Whatever works and doesn’t bounce for a boom. I’ve seem duct taped broom sticks, fence poles, and mop handles used before. Not pretty but it’s functional.

Yeah filters are on my list of things to get next

how do you take the picture while the car is moving? wireless remote or a timer?

You gotta use a skateboard and hold on. Usually around 50MPH you get a good amount of motion blur. It’s scary.

I just follow closely on a pocket bike and fire off shots like a paparazzi ninja!


What lens did you use? I feel like that tail light or quarter panel is going to punch me in the face.

17-40 f/4

Another. And yea definitely need to invest in filters.
IMG_0622 by Ian. S., on Flickr

this one because of the reflection i can follow the boom all the way and see where it was edited … but no bounce is awesome

Damn didn’t even notice that last night. I was so focused on making the windshield semi-believable.

Thanks for pointing all this stuff out, definitely gonna have to practice some more.

One trick that helps is taking a photo with the camera on the rig before you move the car. Zoom in on the shot and look for reflections or other areas that may be difficult to edit out. Trying to remove clamps from the hood that are blocking the windshield is very tough, you almost have to rebuild part of the windshield in PS and it still never looks right.