Fisher-Price - lead paint - China


I do take it back, it was just a joke but it was also tasteless.
I know Fisher-Price is not the only company that is why I said in my first post (and other companies).
If you have ever seen any of my posts about China this one should not shock you.
Growing up in EA(home of FP) and in the manufacturing industry you can probably guess how my family and friends have been affected.
Although in all fairness I am not sure if you know anything about manufacturing.

Money is FP’s first priority and anyone who thinks differently is naive.
They certainly didn’t go to china to be more safe.
My family has made parts for them and if they say for one second that they believed that a Chinese company was going to meet their demands(enviro, safety, etc) they are TOTAL liars or they are TOTALLY retarded.(PERIOD)

I am not going on general hate China rant right now but, I will say, China considers itself at war with the US and companies like FP are helping them win.


First of all, I think you and I have a similar attitude towards China. I guess I could be called a hypocrit for working here…

Anyway, I can only guess that your family lost wages from FP due to them moving their operations to China. This sucks, but since our society wants more for less many companies are forced to go out of the country for cheap labor, or else the business may fail:(

In the grand scheme of things, I’d say FP has done very well with keeping an eye on China. We sell millions of toys year after year…this doesn’t happen all that often.

To sum it up for me, this is yet another incident of many incidents with Chinese manufacturing in American consumerism that has left me with a bad taste. I often wonder how much longer we can rely on the Chinese manufacturing process before it comes back and bites us hard in the ass…