Flash Guru wanted

Hey guys,

Anyone here a Macromedia Flash guru?

I have a work project that is in need of Flash animation.

Problem is I need some basic free work done on the possibility that a full contract may be given later to develop the complete animation library. I have to show the bosses a sample of what I want to do before they will agree to the expense.

Go to this site and click on the “kids area” to see the look and feel I am going for.


Anyone interested? PM me.

The animation itself is pretty basic… but the little characters and artist work is something more advanced. Are you looking for someone to do both, or do you have an artist / art library already?

  • Mike

Ya. I need the artist part first.

Knowing how to draw with a pencil and paper is a huge plus here… as well as knowledge of other Adobe products like Illustrator.

I know a student that might be interested… she’s an amazing pencil/paper artist and is taking courses in Illustrator and Flash to turn it all digital. I’ll try and get ahold of her for you.

  • Mike

Sounds great. Thanks Mike.

Any takers?