flobby aka duke the dukes new WHIP

Sean when you actually have a car maybe youll understand


Paul my cars worth more then yours and is faster thank you and come again

and its already for sale.

paul quit actin like a raccoon

Yea and its still faster and still worth more

gotttt emmmmmmmm

:lmao true

I didnt set out to make my POS the fastest car around and we all know the book value of a '92 Mustang is shit.

Oh snap, PJB vs Mini Me!! :ahh :lol

why did you call him out for “not having a car” when he has one that is faster and worth more? :lol

Pjb dont be angry that you choose to go in debt over a car with a poor blue book

ggooootttttt emmmmmmmmm

Because he wont drive it and its already for sale. Just a flip car, not a driver.

I was never really concerned with book value on it.

Pjb just because you are angry you have no ideas for a halloween costume does not mean it should be taken out on others. Whether I keep the car or not its still MY car and no one elses till the title is signed over to them

gottttt emmmmmm

PJB doesn’t need a costume to abduct children.

Based on the contents of these two posts, it is safe to assume that Shift518 member “tdi_logik” believes that fellow member “psi2high” “got him” on numerous occasions.

Thanks for the clarification

thanks anyways