watching the news right now, this is nuts…
Runaway barge about to hit the bridge of I-79 :eek:
just heard it on the scanner
now its cruisn down to the sewickley bridge
Useless info
anyone know what the deal was with the 65/79 exits? They had them all blocked off around 4ish? I didn’t see anything in particular to be a reason to shut down a major section of roadways without any notice. Was it a wreck or flooding?
i got some pic’s i will post them in a few
blackburn rd had a nice 2ft deep puddle cause the road crew didn’t clear the sewer grates, so i drove through it at like 35 and my bumper was torn underneath my car and is now in 6 different pieces…
yeah the hillside by my house on 65 colapsed as usual.
i will post them as soon at the dam batterys charge sorry !!!
we had to stand by at the my station on wed night due to chartiers creek getting high.
i made a stick showing how hight the water was at my my friend’s house he rents out down in hidelburg, from 1130pm to 130am the water rose up 3 feet
Yo SHAG, wake up. Do you know if they still have 65 blocked? I gotta go that way again… I’ll check PennDOTs webpage also.
Now does that mean River Road is closed (I think its a road to some mills and shit?) or Rt 65 is closed?
Stupid PennDOT
Creek by my house was at 13.1 feet over normal during IVan and it hit 11.25 yesterday about 5pm. Been dropping ever since though, back to 7.5ft over this AM. Still, pretty significant and I’m in the mtns, it’s all headed downstream to the city…
yup its nice and dry at my house.
Except for where the dog pissed outside.
well you know by now, but thats just a road off rt65.
here are a few pics :
this is your normal little stream 2 foot wide 3" deep :
well pittsburgh got the bath tub… so do we … every dam time it rains :
floods are fun. happens every time it rains
seriously… my season pass to 7 springs was a huge waste this year
x2… i went 2 x… :down:
X3. Seven springs is having NO luck.
cincy is flooded too…