we got flooded

the plaza up here got slammed, there was a foot of water in lazarus and we got away with about 2" of water here…it was up past peoples door levels in the parking lot and over the sidewalks, all in about 5-10min

looks like you guys got work to do today

suns out now, better stay that way or cutty wont’ get to get owned tonight

It better drain out soon because i have to go up there to get an oil filter lol

bring it!

it is still pouring here…you might get another dose in a few minutes

where in the hell are you people… it hasn’t rained downtown for hours… sprinkled at 2pm… but the roads are dry…


yeah we got hammered for a lil while around 2 o’clock the stream up water was goin UP the on guys flat bed when he lowered it down to put a car on it

This ball of fuck is moving right towards you and there is more where that is coming from.

currently it’s sunny to the west and cloudy in the south / east.

warm + sunny in wexford.

drizzled for a moment around 2:30.

what no pics?

yeah i have them i’m working right now hold on

i was joking, but :cool:, pics!

You guys should see babcock blvd/mcknight road intersection… and siebert… its off the hook flooded… and millvale, it looks like the movie waterworld.

im headed down towards babcock in a few min

got a boat…i just saw it on the news…looks bad

rained in monroeville for about 20 minutes at around 3… no downpour, just lightning and drizzle

We just installed a job for a lady down by that creek in millvale taht flooded and she said that the water was above the doors on her 97 monte… Thats FUCKIN crazy.