Flower Pics. *56K Maybe*

here here are some pics i took of a few flowers today… some are really effing sweet so enjoy!








Digital Macro + Bumble Bee = Greatness!







lol if ur into that kinda thing…

edit: lol zwar

pay up

^^^ payment arrangements are being made… so… how about butting out until you know whats going on? k thanks…i have pm’d jim about this friday… so unless you read the pm… keep your comments to yourself… or keep them in the goodguy bad guy part.

those bee pics are sweet

thanks! glad you agree!! i thought i was getting stung for sure… cause with digital macro your lens is pretty close to whatever your taking a pic of… but the bee was pretty cool about it… for having my cam lens stuck in his grill for like 4 or 5 pics… nice bee = bee not dead :tup:

Next time, I’d post just the ones that are in focus.

I don’t understand why people feel compelled to post EVERY picture they take when the majority are all exactly the same.



Here are some I’ve taken before.


Sorry I owned you guys


testosterone level for this board just dropped by 20% with all you guys taking pictures of flowers

Garbage. j/k

lol damn that is a nice pic… yeah we did get pwnd…

yea just like how i pwned you in CS every time we play

SUP NOW :lol:

Must be nice to have a macro lens… Ballers…

:tup: to the macro lens…@!!! i let dos talk me into it… and now im glad i did… im in love with digital macro…and adamn… you for fuckin spanked everytime we played… pwnd like a bitch so stfu and stop hijackin my thread.

hahaha you have to flip out like a little cs slut b/c i owned u so hard with AWP everytime… then i told you that i could rape you 1v1 on dust using only a glock… and after i did you made all these excuses :lol: i even have the screenshots

so please +1 punch in the face to the wannabe abercrombie model

lol yeah im a wannabe… you caught me… :ohnoes: