Good god count me out of that bbq! fix that shiz!

sorry i cant post the actual pictures in here it would not link them or copy actual picture location, but heres the site.

holy fuck


Fuck my life, that is a whole lot of bees.

Fuck control bombs and rakes and all that fancy do-dad’s. I would’ve fire bombed the entire gazebo. Burn it right down to the fucking ground. Mother fuckers.

wow… thats pretty intense!

i would have smoked the bees into a hypnotic state and planted the hive in my that in my roomates car


i have never seen/saw/looked that many

i just checked under my desk to be sure.

holy fuck…

thats insane

Holy fucking shit. I can’t imagine the sounds coming from that grill when he set that bomb off.

How does it get THAT bad?

Why can’t i see anything ?

Holy fuck. Those look like honey bees. And that is one massive hive. there had to be at least 100000 bees lol.

man something is wrong here.

someone please just give me shit, because im so use to it on every post i make! lol

lol …it was a good post … you are comming around my son

fggt…i hope you get stung by that many bees at once.

is this better kevin? :stuck_out_tongue:


You suck ass at linking pictures. Go away.


EDIT: totally beated by skunk :frowning: Damned bastard <3

thats crazy holy shit.

lol people just dont give me any credit, they just shoot me down right away! what ever. lol

much better! thanks douche!

you try to link those pictures, it goes to some other website, the whole page is like one big link to another site