Honeybee infestation

Anyone ever deal with a massive hive inside a wall?

My boss got FIOS installed a couple days ago and the installer mentioned he had a little bee problem in his garage. Bees were going in and out of a small crack in the brick. My boss hadn’t seen many bees so figured it was a small nest and he’d just spray it and be done with it.

Last night his neighbor was using a gas weed eater and I guess the noise and vibration stirred the hive. There were THOUSANDS of them. He said it looked like a cloud flying around his garage. He’s already called a professional exterminator I just wondered if anyone else had dealt with something like this. Honeybees are a big mess to take care of from what we were reading online yesterday. Even if you kill all the bees the giant hive and honey start to rot causing a huge mess and stink. And then if you don’t remove it that smell is an attractant to other bees so they end up coming right back.

Sounds like he’s going to have to tear apart the wall, remove all of it, then sanitize it so the smell doesn’t cause another hive to get built right off.

my honey thing went off…

There was a post on here like a year ago

I have used a shop vac with water in it (like a inch or 3)… you just tape it up at the open hole to the hive and they just fly out and get sucked up … this will take a few days tho … every night I try to suck up about a 5 gal worth of water to seal the deal tape off the ends and let it sit over night

Well he just called me to say he wouldn’t be in today because he’s waiting for the bee guy to show up. I’ll let you know what the pro does.

lol you might be a redneck if…

Just use gas :tup:

I think its more polish :gotme: … your right

I told him to get the turkey deep fryer out and burn the garage down. Fire kills the bees, he gets a new garage, it looks like an accident since 100’s of people a year burn down their garages with those damn deep fryers (the garage is detached). :slight_smile:

sooo just thinking … I dont think he can kill them … for the fact we dont have them around anymore and they are trying to get them back

thats genius!

They try to save them, but in cases where they’re in walls the risk to people outweighs the need to save the colony. If it was a massive hive in a tree beekeepers would have come in to relocate it.

bee keepers will gladly come in, remove the hive and help with some of the repairs to the best of their ability usually just to save the colony.

Not according to the beekeeper he talked to yesterday. Accessible hives yes, hives buried in your walls, no. I’d say if you had another beekeeper he could call post it up but the exterminator will be there soon and there won’t be a colony to move after that.

YES. Worked for this guy:

Fire extinguisher.


Honey doesn’t ever spoil or rot correct?

Why does he care if they live there? Maybe he should just give his new neighbors a pie and try to be friendly with them before he goes and kills them.

I would not want a house/garage full of fucking bees in the walls. Of course, I’m allergic to them, but if some asshole knowingly kept them in their house and I got stung while there that’s lawsuit material.

But yeah, I thought honey never spoiled?

He’s got a kid and the garage is near his pool. Can’t leave something as dangerous as 1000’s of bees just hanging out like that right near where a bunch of kids play. One wrongly thrown kickball and some kid gets stung to death.

As for “spoiling”, everything we read yesterday said killing the bees and not removing the hive leads to a huge mess as the dead bees, hive and honey decay.

:wiggle: lol looks like it does not go bad… but in the “raw” fourm in the hive it may

Thats all I have to offer here.

edit - http://www.mefeedia.com/entry/dirty-jobs-bee-removal/4151487