You know it may have a good “R” value … could get a “green tax cut”
Good news for pollination lovers… the exterminator is calling in some bee keeper he knows and they’re going to try to move the hive.
lol … im sure its easer to try to get them to leave
oh and if you need help with “great stuff” I am a pro
I don’t see how if you know you have bees living in your house and they sting someone they could sue you. Bees live all over the world, you can’t control that. Last time I checked it wasn’t my responsibility to keep the bee population under control. It should be your responsibility to live in a bubble with your pussy allergic reactions. You may or may not want to check your mailbox for African bees. I train them and told them to hangout there for a little while. I mean if you are allergic to bees can I sue you for having a body that sucks ass?
Unless they are my African bees, then you should be able to sue me for that.
I have a bee couch in my living room, all they ask from me is that I don’t use honey, not a big deal in my eyes. Plus they fly me around on the weekends its pretty cool.
I’m actually glad they are trying to move the hive, there really is no need to kill them. Plus if I remember correctly aren’t honey bees pretty docile?
When I do get my house on 100+ acres someday I will try to raise bats, frogs, and praying mantises. I hate bugs and these critters eat bugs so I like them.
i think it falls into a negligence type thing you knew they were there and did nothing about it
praying mantises
I have found 2 in the 3 years i have lived in my house i was like a fuckin kid when i found my first ever
I could see it being a liability issue, especially in the sue happy USA. You’re responsible for hazards on your property. Trees fall all the time in nature too, but if you have a tree that clearly rotten, dead or maybe hit by lightning and leaning toward your neighbors house you can’t just ignore it. Maybe you win in court maybe you don’t but there is enough there to get sued which is plenty of reason to get rid of it.
He’s clearly aware the bees are there and that they’re a risk. As for how docile they are they certainly got aggressive at the sound of a weed trimmer in the neighbor’s yard. You can’t expect the neighbor to stop trimming his grass because you have a giant bee hive in your garage.
I absolutely would sue if I got swarmed by bees at someone’s house and almost died, and they knew they were there and did nothing about it. They are obviously a risk and that’s just plain negligent. If you like them so much, keep them in a contained environment.
Yeah, we’re not talking about 5+ acre lots here. This is right in Amherst where his garage (and the bees) are 3 feet from where his neighbor has to mow.
who fucking throws a kickball?
and its only negligent if you fail to mention to your guests that there are bees living in your house. at whichpoint it becomes an assumed risk.
it’d be cool if the colony could be saved, but i’d be mad as all fawk if i got attacked… look forward to updates and would love to see how they move the hive.
That’s great for YOUR guests, but doesn’t cover you at all for your neighbors. As I said earlier, it was the neighbor using a weed wacker that got the bees all pissed off the other night.
As for how they’re going to remove them all he said on the phone was some sort of attractant to lure them into a new hive that they could them move. Based on the beekeeper stuff I’d read I give it about a 10% chance of working. It seems once bees have a colony established they don’t leave it even if you give them a better option.
when was the last time you played bro?
That is something cool to know. I wouldn’t mind trying to harvest my own honey and maple syrup someday down the road when I go to retire.
This stuff is on TV all the time. He’ll end up ripping big holes in whatever to get them out I’d bet.
srsly. it’s not soccer.
It’s National Pollinator Week.
it is pretty easy, find the opening during the evening hours.
Take a shop vac and put an extension on the hose, set hose up so that it is right next to the in/out opening for the hive.
Turn shop vac on in the morning, let it run all day.
Come home pull hose down while shop vac is still running and spray bee killer into the vac.
bees are now dead.
I play dodgeball with a kickball all the time. its the same ball.:banghead:
Jay, I sent ya a PM as I have some serious bees at the plaza and motel I just bought. I mean like 100’s a minute going in the holes and there are 3 of them!!! All honey bees so hopefully they want them and can save them.