Found a big Hive saturday

nice, so, wheres the picture of you burning it?

holy crap! :eek:


Damn…picture if you would have found it full of bees


WHere the fuck are u at jim?


looks like his garage.

holy shit


The smart thing to do would have been to put it on your head for a helmet.

We had one of those under the deck of my pool when I was a kid. It was about half the size but still inhabited. My Dad soaked it with some type of RAID stuff and it just pissed them off. He got stung a bunch of times so he waited until dark and soaked it in kerosene. Since it was under our metal pool deck he just lit it on fire and watched it burn. There is still a big singe mark on the pool wall from it.

Was there any honey inside?

Wow. I just read an article about rare bees in the area.

Wow. I just read an article about rare bees in the area

Killer bees?

Old news…been here for a couple of years now but nobody talks about doesn,t want people to start to freak out.

Wu Tang Killa Bees?

aint nothing to fuck with

you look pretty bad ass in that pic

a real live mythbuster!