Flying fish

wtf! now if fishing was this easy id even do it!! any explanation for this???


Yeah…:repost: but still pretty funny!

anyone figure out what the guy is saying?

It must have another retarded name cuz i searched “flying fish” which is the actual video name and came up nothing. my bad.

whoa wtf is up with that lmao, thats nuts

so fish attack lights?

wtf ??!?!?!?!

the top gun song really makes the video

I guess the fish are asian carp, and they jump becuase of the noise from the motor.

yeah i posted this a while ago and even i dont remember what i called the thread

I’m guessing something retarded…

Fat Mexican rocks out top gun music

wtf??haha thats funny

MmMmmMM i bet those fishies are some good eatin

loll. The fat mexican and the music are what really makes it.

Definitely not mexican, they were speaking protuguese

that was probably in the Amazon River in Brasil

Eh… Fat BRazilian just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

So for sake of conversation, he is still known as a fat mexican.

oh that clears it all up, I get it now.