Anyone want to go fishing??


That’s insane. I wish I spoke Spanish so I could figure out what the hell was going on there.

shine light on fishy, fishy jump in boat, im lame cause im too lazy to do it the right way.

I loved the super climatic victory guitar music as the fish were jumping right into the side of the guys face.

lol. Very entertaining.

Yeah, I got that part from the video. I’m just wondering:
A. Where that is.
B. What causes the fish to freak out from a spotlight.
C. What species that is.

I’ve heard that the Asian Carp have actually caused a couple deaths because they get spooked by the boat motors and jump out of the water. People have been knocked unconcious and out of boats by them. A 50lb fish hitting you while going 35+ in a boat can do that.

lol at the top gun music…

ahahahaha, i was thinking the same thing.

I felt like I was watching top-gun… with fish lol. That is freaking cool.

who speaks spanish?

That was unreal how those fish were jumping like that!

Top Gun music FTW!!!

I do

but that wasn’t spanish it was portuguese in Brazil…understanding a little bit


I guess they said it works in shallow waters

poor pesca no pesca no don’t jump in the boat don’t jump in the boat and get ate by Senhor Gordura NO!!! :frowning:
