Only $450 million? Nothing wrong with that though. I guess the monopoly guy can do good.
He musta found $250 mil in his sock drawer that he forgot about.
he’s still a dick
STFU n00b
Dear god, I dont want to have microsoft come up with a cure for aids lol…
j/k… good that hes putting his excess money to use in other things.
if this is true its funny as hell
VH1 said that his children will only inherit 10 million a piece and the rest goes to charity :eek:
u guys know why he donates that right???
b/c if he doesnt…he gets taxed hard core on money…where as he can right that off each year…and get more back than he would send in for taxes if he kept that money
its soo funny that you people bitch about him and his products, but would be helpless without them…
You’re being sarcastic, right?
noo…i read that before…thats the reason why he dontates sooo much money
same with a lot of other rich ppl…soo they dont get taxed on having all kinds of money…but idk…i might be wrong
yes why do soo many ppl hate him??? he just did something great and mad a shit load of money???
yeah Im sure that Bill Gates does this to lower his tax liability. I mean, hes only the richest man on the face of the planet. He really has to work on making sure that the government doesnt suck him dry.
There’s no way you can get more back than you would have to pay. There’s limits on write offs, and I’m pretty sure there’s line on the form that says if line x is <0, enter a 0, not the negative.