For all you loners out there...

seriously? i just found it funny, and any lady nyspeeders, here’s your chance to hop on the back of one sexy machine!!!

awww how sweet

thats how we pick em up out here in the boonies lol

They know what the metric system is in the boonies? And have internet? Lies.

i already linked this to willybeen’s lookin to ride thread

Ever make love on a motorcycle?


lol, that post is from the town next to me. creepy.

dude has got to atleast put a pic up of himself if he is going to get anyone calling him back. lol

Yeah, and I’m not responding to that unless he posts better pics of the bike. :slight_smile:

LOL at 1000 mph.

Some 300 pound dude call him and tell him you like scenery and want to hop on the back with him.

It’s me…

lol there needs to be a pic of him