for all you other F-body fags...

Sound like jclark now lol .

Jammer did, yes.

G8- I encourage everyone to. People really do not realize what they or their cars are capable of until they are in a controlled environment. There is an event at Watkins Glen from Sept. 24-25 with GVC chapter of the BMWCCA and they give $100 off for any novice driver (which everyone on this forum would be pretty much) for their first time. If anyone is seriously interested and can spare the $375ish, I can help walk them through registration and what not and even caravan with them on the way to/from the event.


Badass car, but I don’t think I could ever justify that kind of price tag for any pleasure vehicle.

Hey, it’s great advice so I may as well spread it. I know, not the type of spreading you were hoping for.

sweet car