Q: Please verify the price, 775K???Aug-18-05 A:Your eyes are not deceiving you.
Q:This must be some kind of joke. It’s a 36 year-old car with a new paint job and a steam-cleaned engine - big deal! I’ll trade you my lime green '78 Pacer straight up - you’d be crazy not to accept - the Pacer is nine years younger and a real sweet ride. Let me know when you want to meet up to complete the transaction.Aug-18-05 A:Load your family in the car and drive off a cliff How is that?
That guy is serious. Probably has good memories in that car… liek the first time he got his mullet stuck in a seatbelt… or when he tagges his cuzzin in the back seat.
Yar, I read the Q & A’s. He’s got a few good points. But the idea that the reserve is north of 3/4 of a mil… is too much. I’ve seen rare’r cars go for less then that.
well, it’s a 69 Camaro with parts on it that were recalled, so I would put it in the “shit” pile, even if it is rare. I say lump it in with the rest of the 69 Camaros in decent condition and it’ll be about $25K-$30K. 5-digits is too fucking much for a fucking Camaro.
well lets put it this way, pretend its a super cool Skyline with aultra limited edition sepuer hot powerplant , and mad low production numbers, multiply that times 36 years and there you have it. That guys price is a bit much but you get the point.
you see my point! You won’t find a Bullitt Mustang going for 5-digits even if it was mint and all-original parts. The guy is probably just trying to get the amount of money out of it that he spent on storage…inflation adjusted too. lol