for forza 2 nerds it is a web site that i have just signed up for it is a league that meets every Monday night

hey guys/girls we are still looking for people that would like to race so if you want to get in on this league now would be the time we are doing 997 gt3 rs this season and they are a lot of fun


I used to play alot, can’t wait for 3!

+1. When I got the point where the races I had left were the really long ones that would take an hour or so I lost interest.

same here, also lost interest with the factory spec races. Also no drag racing sucked.

well here is the thing it is a lot of fun because it is a group of guys that love racing that get together every Monday night at 9:15pm and race.

just started playing this again. great game. can’t wait till 3, heard its gonna be a holiday 09 release!

I was hopeing it would come out sooner oh well