selling for 88 slowmaro.
vehicle is flat black 350 cu. in. 700r4 automatic has headers/exhaust … lots more parts that i dont know the specifics of… currently a TPI car… has majority of parts to make her carb’d… knowing john it may or may not need new rear tires…
Asking price is $1300 obo.
contact him @ 429-8727 name is john.
heres only pic i have of it currently… 
fuck i should bought this when i thought about it
just buy it mcflurry i need it gone
i aint got the monies if i did id be gone a month ago
ahhh thought it was insurance lyin fuck
it was both then my step dad goes oooo u can put it on and pay the extra like a week later :confused :headbang
hore yourself out or your g/f for that matter shes good lookin :giggedy :giggedy :giggedy
ill junk the jeep and give u a down payment…
how old is your g/f trades are possible ;D
17 shit thats legal grass on the field ill play in it ;D
shes at her lesbian friends housee… :giggedy and yes im goin up there tomorrow lol
bumpety bump bump :giggedy
john ill give u call later or tomorra i wanna talk to u about something bout it… :ninja
yeah steve $1300 aint shit, get this!
i plan on it i start a new job either this week or next
bump …by this and duesmandella front end and hood ya got a good car …mcflurry dont post in this as ya aint gonna buy the car so shut up ;D

JK john i still love ya :nana