I have for sale a 3 year old projection screen 720p HDTV made by RCA.

I have taken great care of this tv, i mean its not like there is much upkeep with one, but it works just fine. They go for $700 brand new at walmart.

Im looking for $500 but am open to offers.

Reason sale is I need more room in my bedroom so im going to buy a plasma for my wall.


so its 3 years old and you are taking $200 bucks off the price?

Im looking for $500 but am open to offers.

I understand that finishing high school is hard. so lets read what is written.

ill give ya 200

i’m sure he read what was written. his point was that asking $500 for a tv that was $700 3 years ago is outrageous. at any rate, take your own advice and read what was written:


Additionally, model number, screen size and pics might help the sale


you haven’t even really told us what your are selling.


i’m sure he read what was written. his point was that asking $500 for a tv that was $700 3 years ago is outrageous. at any rate, take your own advice and read what was written:
you haven’t even really told us what your are selling.


once again. lets see through the FUCKING STUPIDITY. It was $1700 3 years ago. They go for $700 now plus tax. SO LETS KEEP THE BULLSHIT out of the way.

All info is listed on the website in the link that is located in the orig. post.

Thank you for not being retarted.


I love the fact you question my reading skills and then have a grammar mistake in the next sentence. (For the record I got through HS, undergrad and grad school, but that has nothing to do with the sale of this TV so I am not sure why you brought it up)

-How many hours has it been used? (I need more info before making an offer)

that’s the exact same tv you are selling? same model number from three years ago? sorry for being so retarDed. and you never said you paid $1700 3 years ago so relax. christ…


you haven’t even really told us what your are selling.


He added a link so at least some information is now provided


that’s the exact same tv you are selling? same model number from three years ago? sorry for being so retarDed. and you never said you paid $1700 3 years ago so relax. christ…


Nothing but respect, but why bash someones sale thread?

Anyways it has had minimal use and I am not gonna go on the line and come up with a fake amount of hours that it has been used. But it has never been on for more than about four hours straight.

link wasn’t there originally right? then he added it and jumped on my back? sweet. glws

Sorry for coming off like a dick, but the price discount was laughable.

1080i supported not 720p

you people are idiots … i dunno how many times threads like this have to be cleaned up


you people are idiots … i dunno how many times threads like this have to be cleaned up


Thank you Jay.