for the guys that know there shit... help

:nuts: too retarded to put 2 stickers on?

turbo it!!! just go to some local budget place that don t give a fuck… theres tons of them around out of pittsburgh…

as for the egr… on my klze93pgt i just hacked the pipe and welded a bolt in it so the egr is still there… it doesn t know if its breathing the exahsut gases or not… it will only give a cell if you get ride of the egr it self…

YOU CAN DO IT! :cool: if you need any probe parts i got tons… to… just a heads up

the problem is the drive cycle… secondary air/ o2 / cat / recirc. / egr blah blah blah

i’m not saying don’t do the project… i’m just saying, make sureyou know how to clear a check engine light. :hs:

well i have almost everything to do it… so i probably will go through with it, and as far as clearing lights i have a code reader/clearer, but if they turn it on and it trips again i’ll be fucked

unless i pull the light bulb??? or do they actually read the OBDII port?

they read it!!! :hs:

so if i seal that pipe off w/o actually removing the EGR it won’t throw a code??? i thought that would set it off as well. and wouldn’t i have to leave it open coz of the suction going to the valve? there is some sort of suction right? i’m just guessing but if i leave it open it’ll be readin air which could lead to an error, or i can block it and it’ll have no reading which i thought i’d heard before will make that little bitch light come on.

odds are, no matter what i do i’m gonna have to eliminate the EGR and just find someone to hook me up with a sticker i guess. that or swap my old mani and cat on for inspection :dunno: but that’d be uber ghey

as far as you having a bunch of parts laying around i may have to stop in and check em out sometime… i wanna replace some interior stuff, and find a way to add in this damn cupholder thing i got off a GT, for some reason it don’t fit right. :doh:


jay with the new inspection system you cant just pay them off anymore the must check your computer and in your computer is your vin and your odomerter reading. soooo really you can do the old put stickers on my car and sniff that car type deal that ppl where doing for years they must read your ocmputer and to get the stickers the system must be hooked up to your car

check this thread out jay

nice… i’m still debating goin through with it though. i’m not sure if i wanna deal with this crap. i guess we’ll see

off Middle Rd. near Wildwood Rd

cool, i live off of cedar ridge, off of middle…

next question…

if i just bend this EGR tube out of the way of the turbo and let it suck in regular air from the engine bay, what will happen. any negative effects? should i seal it off or leave it open? or try really hard to plug the fucker back in somewhere?

i am starting to itch to have this piece of shit on and that’s kinda holdin me back a bit

to pass inspection your gonna have to hook if back up plan and simple

my question had nothing to do with inspection, i want that fucker on and running, i’ll worry bout inspection when it’s up

but why go through the work of puting all that shit togather and geting it running right to have to take it apart and possible retune it just cause you didnt take a day to figure out how to hook up your EGR valve

there is no way to hook up the EGR tube…
not even an option :doh:

that’s why

then dont bother with the rest of the work and just put your manifold/header back on and be on your way

just plug up the egr tube and be done with it…

positive on no negative side effects?

check engine light isn’t one of them

i don’t see how it would have any effects. it won’t read anything so their won’t be a CEL problem… all my emissions stuff was unhooked on my car when i had the turbo setup and it ran fine.