For the last's RECKLESS

Haha. Wow I’m deep. :pimp:

A coworker who is a good friend of mine constantly uses “irregardless” and I don’t know how to tell him without making him feel bad.

Such as applying it to a whole person, rather than that person’s knowledge of a particular subject? Yeah, that hacks me off a bit also.

Maybe mention that “regardful” would be better used in the sentence?

Indeed. Also, when they use it as a synonym for: discriminatory, racist, stupid, mean.

If they do both in the same usage, it drives me nuts.

It’s supposed to mean lacking in knowledge or ininformed. Not a catch all negative adjective.

I hate when people make up words, like ininformed.

damn it, i meant UN! i just self-pwned. I originally had not informed and for some reason i wrote in again


“My friend and I”…NOT “Me and my friend”…
