For the Wii.. "The Bigs"

Just got the Wii game, “the bigs” which is pretty much like an NBA jam style game only with baseball. Turns out i just dont like baseball enough to care about playing it. Retails for $49.99 you can have it for $30. Only played for about 15 mins.

You know you can rent video games, right? That’s the preferred way to find out if games suck or not.

you looking to get a new one

my gf can exchange it for a new game

it was a gift for my b-day

i am just saying she can trade you for any new game for the wii

might take you up on that actually… can she get me super paper mario or the tony hawk game for wii?

if its in the store then yes

hey eric where does she work i might need to take advantage of this also

EB games

Can she help me get a Wii? Can’t get one anywhere. I have offered a bonus to my whole family if they get me one.

she called me this week to tell me she had some…i can ask when she is getting some in or what store has some

only if you stop driving like a ass on rt8 thinking everyone wants to race

Huh?? I am hardly ever on Rt.8 and don’t race anybody. There is another silver wagon with an exhaust around. Must be him. Or Cheeks bought one?

A heads up on finding a Wii would be greatly appreciated

I know who your thinking of. Silver wagon with gunmetal (i think) rims. he just bought that car about 2 weeks ago.

thats him what a dick