WTB: Wii

anyone have one they wanna sell, or know where i can get one? everywhere i have gone is sold out.

target tomorrow morning, that’s what they told me yesterday.

of course on a sunday when i work.

Which Target?

BJs has the Wii with 2 games for $339.99

Damn! Thats a good deal.

I love BJs.


So do i.

which games?


^^^^^yea that make all the diff. in the world. i you get crappy games not worth it. i mainly want the system for Zelda.

I saw it in BJs, but can’t remembered which games.

is it still in bj’s? cuz if so i’m there tomorrow signing up for a membership to get one lol

We have 3 in stock for $309 with the extra controller if anyone is interested.
At UBMicro

PM me if you want it or call my desk 645-6375.


Sold out…

^^ doh.

do you see wii’s come in often there? if so, if you grab one for me next time, i’ll bring you the ca$h that day and hook you up w/ a finder’s fee.

FYI, K-mart in Batavia has 6 in stock with every game and bunch of controller regular, and nunchuck controllers also. Was just there yesterday, the place is like a ghost-town filled with old people that don’t like those fancy electronic gadgets.

Batavia is ghetto thats why

i was just in game crazy on niagara in tonawanda last nite got a buddy who works there said they just got some in so i would say if you get there in the next hour or two they might have some left. But dont hold me to that

:word: But it doesn’t change the fact they have some collecting dust.

This is true