for those of you asking about my avatar....

heres some more koda kumi!

I think i may have just came down with a case of the yellow feva!


Boo! Vid is unavailable. But yea… that’s a nice avatar there :thumright:

can you find me one of those with jessica simpson?!?!?! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

i’d eat that with a spoooon mmm mmm mmm sexy

I’m asking you to resize it, please.

Thank you so much (↑_↑)

ok uhm any idea how to resize that thing?

Wow… that woman needs to take out a patent on the word “beautiful”. You shouldn’t even be allowed to say it, if not in reference to her. Even though the sceptic inside me is screaming that a lot of her is fake, the rest of me is beating the shit out of him and enjoying the view :smiley:

Wow… just wow… I could sit here and type the longest post over how gorgeous she is. I especially loved her in the kimono… drools

ok dudes its resized . not as hawt now that its tiny but better than nothing heh.

It’s now a red x. Nowhere as awesome as before :smiley:

fucking shit.

Try Imageready?

yeah its pretty hot :slight_smile:

Make it big again. I vote for exception to the rule for MrSkinny.

He had the av at the right size yesterday. Dunno what happened.

No exceptions to the rule.

it was at the right size but then rogers wasnt hosting it right thats why all the red x boxes. i switched to photobucket and it resized it to this tiny thing because of the 250 limit.

ok bac kto right size. if rogers F’s with it again im gonna be pissed hehe.

My avatar > Mr Skinny’s

why? because she’s wearing my shirt.

too bad shes not doin a naughty dance and pouring water on her chest

MrSkinny OLD AV >> NeveR AV