How much to rent a single car trailer and truck from you to bring my car to synapse
I could tow your car up there for some money off that tarnsmission?
Congrats on selling that gem
i want your fucking truck so bad i can taste it!
That truck is awesome
Finally saw it today. Freaking TITS.
Code, I’ll help you out no cost if I can…right now time is short…whats your time frame?
Clark, thanks…I prefer TITS to Baller.
Damn I thought youd have a hard time selling that thing.
word, where did you advertise it jammer?
Us old guys know things…or people. I am the guy with sold stuff, not for sale stuff. How do you sell stuff? Price it to sell. I sold it to a large car dealer…and he did not dicker…really quite amazing. Called him at one oclock, left it by 3. A member here helped arrange it.
Umm, who ya got to trade…equal time?