Ford claims to own the right to any pictures taken of ford vehicals

Fuck Ford.

That’s definitely some of the stupidest shit I’ve read to date and deserves a :picard:

Fixed it for you.

When a company pulls such moronic shit as that after having the quality of their cars compared to the competition be so pathetic for so many years, it’s an indication of a company that just plain sucks.

Just because they are UAW or “American” doesn’t mean I should support them. Maybe their cars are better now, as I haven’t driven or been in a NEW Ford, but their business practices suck just as much.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t Ford, but a retarded lawyer at cafepress that’s worried about a potential lawsuit.

I just can’t see them taking a stance like this unless that club did something to piss someone off @ Ford. Ford is usually very cool to their enthusiasts and are sometimes very helpful with events and shit. I’m not saying that they didn’t, but there has to be more to the story.

If not, I predict someone @ Ford loosing their job

I doubt it was cafepress…LS1tech prints all their clothing with cafepress a lot of which includes pics of Fbodys.

I talked to a guy who is in a big Ford Lighting group here in MI and they had the same problem. Ford wants you to give a % of the sales to them and they will give you the ok on printing.
They say its fine to host pics and print pics but once you sell something that has their logo its their property.

Maybe Campbells should have sued Andy Warhol.

True, but it maybe something new (within the past few weeks). If you search for Mustang @ their site, they have a whole ton of shit for sale. I would assume if they were given a C&D letter about the calender, they’d be forced to pull down everything related to it.

something seems fishy

I agree…

they have sponsored the anual SHO convention for many many years. I believe that they offered to bring fusion to the 07 convention for people to race around the track to test.

Its weird, I was on and this guy from Ford came and took my monitor…LAIM

haha, you say at first that from your personal experience you would not buy another ford, citing a good amount of problems with your taurass and exploder then you say you would not hesitate to buy another ford product.

lol wtf? :picard:

if you read the rest of that, you would know that I know a lot of people that have found Fords to be great cars, and that the 3rd Ford that I have owned has been good to me so far. I’m quite convinced that I had shitty luck with both of them, and the number of good stories i have heard about Fords outweighs the number of problems that I have experienced. Generally speaking, I think they are a fairly reputable car manufacturer.

So…I wrote to Ford customer service…and they answered me. Here is the response I got. I couldn’t get the BMC link to work, but the Ford link did.

Dear Mark,

Thank you for taking the time to write to us. As you are probably already aware, the calendar issue was a misunderstanding and it has been resolved. Ford did not notify the Black Mustang Club to stop production on its 2008 calendar. Ford does not intend to alienate any enthusiast clubs and that’s why we moved quickly to clear the air.

For more details, please visit the Black Mustang Club official website at:

Ford’s official response has been posted on many websites and a copy can be found at

We appreciate our loyal customers and Mustang enthusiasts such as the Black Mustang Club members.

Customer Relationship Center
Ford Motor Company

glad that was resolved, that was ridiculous

I knew it :tup: … glad to see everything is all good again

Hold this $hit down…

Ford needs to push their lawyers and PR department off the roof

The day that I print a calendar of Vipers that I built and Dodge comes back after me asking for money is the day I drive a Viper through CAAP’s front window in detroit.

It’s one thing to take the company Logo and print it on a shirt and sell it. I could even MAYBE see this going as far as saying that a person cannot print pictures for profit of cars which are OWNED by a manufacturer (file photos, Manufacturer cars, etc) But once my name is on the dotted line, and ESPECIALLY once my wrench has touched it- Fucking die in a fire.

I am POSITIVE anyone could find a lawyer that would take that case for FREE in order to take a swipe at that retarded corporate metality.