Ford claims to own the right to any pictures taken of ford vehicals

post 42 starts it off

whats the resolution… i can get those calendars printed anywhere if i wanted to. if cafepress is just being stupid any other real print shop would do it without issue

taking notes from RIAA?

Yet another reason not to buy a Ford?

Yea, that’ll hold. Can’t wait for them to email me to take every Ford picture off our site. I’ll reply with Fuck Off, I drive a Chevy. :slight_smile:

I don’t think it will hold though. A picture taken of a vehicle of in a public place is not violating any copyright rules. And especially if the owner of the vehicle is allowing it, then there shouldn’t be any issue at all. Ford doesn’t have you sign a waiver when you purchase their car that says you can’t take pictures of it.

IP law is a bitch…



lol, Ford is such a joke…

i’d print it anyways…

let them take it to court and make money off the television interviews you get to do…

Ford will back off anyways… there is no way they would pursue this kind of legal battle.

well that’s a good way to ward off what supporters of the company they have left.

I can’t wrap my mind around how retarded this is.

I don’t know what worse ford being gay or that there is a forum for Black mustangs

did they ever post the actual C&D letter?

why did the guy putting the calendar together bitch out so easily… he could have just gotten another printer…

if nobody stepped up to print the thing i would print it for them


so let me make sure i have this right…I paid $XXXX for my 16 year old FORD Mustang. If I go and take a picture of it with MY camera, then they still have a right to it??

thats not nice…:2fingers:

Wow, that’s a surefire way to alienate your shrinking fanbase, Ford.

Sounds like something VWOA would pull. Those fuckers were going after enthusiast websites and sending cease and desist letters to the owners, just because they used the VW logo on their site. It pissed a lot of people off quite a bit, which is why a lot of people who own vintage VWs won’t even consider buying a new VW as a DD. They also went after companies who re-popped parts like hubcaps with their emblem on them. People would have bought OEM parts, but Volkswagen refuses to produce vintage parts like other carmakers do, and people obviously don’t want to finish off their resto with parts containing a “knock-off” logo. Several big companies got fucked, even though they were not taking business away from VWOA, so if anything their lawsuits hurt them.

Yet another stupid comment from an import driver.

you know, i honestly don’t think ford is a bad company. I know this forum is full of toyota and honda leg humpers, but every company (not just in the car industry) has their share of problems, makes their share of mistakes, and has their share of mis-interpreted statements.

From personal experience alone, I would not buy another ford. My family had a Taurus back in the day and it was constantly breaking, and we kept having them same problems with it, and it never ever ended, and my dad babied that car. My Explorer was also problem-ridden, but that may have also been due to the dealer not fixing stuff and a whole other mess of shit that i dont need to get into here. My Mustang has been great to me so far (knock on wood). Now, looking at the other side of that coin, I have a friend who is on here, who owns a Taurus, and I have never ever seen anyone beat the living shit out of a car more than he has. This thing should NOT be running anymore, but it still is and he’s had no major problems with it at all, and it turned out to be a really great car. His family has also had a shit ton of Fords and never had any problems with them. I know quite a few other people who have had similar experiences with Fords. Considering all things, I would not hesitate to buy another Ford product.

I think that although Ford (and GM for that matter) had a bit of a slump in terms of quality in the last ~15 years, which is partially how imports are flourishing today (IMO), but Ford, like GM, I think has really turned around and is starting to produce some quality cars once again.

As I said before, every company has their share of mishaps. I recall that someone posted a thread regarding a GM recall, and in that thread there was a lot of GM bashing going on, but somewhere in there someone mentioned about some Toyota recall. Funny how everyone kept quiet about that one. I’m not trying to rip on imports at all (because I hate all cars equally…for the most part :slight_smile: ), But im just saying, don’t discount a car company because of something like this. You’re buying the car for other reasons besides publicity (i hope). And like I said, it’s a losing battle on here trying to sell domestic car companies to you guys. I hate seeing threads like this where people rip on domestics because of one little mishap, and I really wish people would look at the car industry as a whole, and stop putting one or 2 specific companies under the microscope for their mishaps and then hating on them just because they may have had some less-than-quality cars a few years ago.

my flame suit is on for this one, but just putting in my .02

I doubt he actually even got one. Sounded like CafePress had a standing request from Ford to not print things like that.

I went ahead and posted a letter to Ford supporting BMC. Seemed like the thing to do.