Looking for a Dark Blue Crown Vic with little or no rust. I may entertain other color options but if you know of anyone selling one please let me know.
I’ll have to try and get some pics tomorrow after work. I’m selling mine.
It’s this exact car but of course older now and a bit more wear at this point. No center console either.
There’s some rust but it’s not a rot box.
Lemme know if you’re interested and/or what other specs/details you’re looking for.
use craiglook.com and search the all the craigslist sites at once.
You can find some killer deals on cars, but you will have to drive to get it.
Never used that one, I’ll take a peek.
This is the one I use to search CL.
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I can vouch for Tradersbase’s car, I used to own it, awesome dependable driver!
if you want rust free your going to have to look outside NY, even 3yr Vics around here have rust, I just bought one from Florida, check out ebaymotors and look for cars in Arizona, Cali ect ect
its well worth the expense to have it shipped you’ll save alot in the long run!