ford dealers suck

control arms are 150 a piece with the ball joints…

oh yeah and teh bolt i need for my rear sway bar was 7 bucks… i hate car dealers

7 bucks for a bolt!:mad: :eek3:

not just ford dealers my friend.

everywhere but jj’s and lil shops like that are rip offs

unless you work at one. then its :cool:

ask lou from laurel mountain mustang :slap:

i’ll hook u up,my brother in law works at a ford dealer!!!:smiley:

Originally posted by Shaggy
ask lou from laurel mountain mustang :slap:
u can do that two!

Originally posted by Shaggy
ask lou from laurel mountain mustang :slap:

i just wanted a quote on on teh part… to see how much they were gouging me. yeah im not getting anything from another ford dealer if i can buy it from another shop.

Originally posted by Pewterss
u can do that two!

calm down big guy… ill be going through lou for all my mustang stuff when i pay off my bills :slight_smile:

Originally posted by HaNnIBaL64
(calm down big guy) ill be going through lou for all my mustang stuff when i pay off my bills :slight_smile:
:confused: :confused:

Originally posted by Pewterss
:confused: :confused:

i thought you were getting upset i went to a ford dealer :smiley:

Originally posted by HaNnIBaL64
i thought you were getting upset i went to a ford dealer :smiley:

Originally posted by Pewterss
i’ll hook u up,my brother in law works at a ford dealer!!!:smiley:

i know hes lookin for nav cams and im looking at selling drugs to pay for them :smiley: