Forum Rules


Member Bashing

No Bashing of any member will be tolerated! This includes bashing the member, their car, their dog, their goldfish, etc. This is Toronto Nissans main rule because we want every member to feel comfortable in our laid-back environment. See derogatory insults for more details

Toronto Nissan Bashing

Threads/replies attacking Toronto Nissan policies will not be allowed.

Threats, Racism, or Sexism Threads and posts promoting or expressing intolerant views towards minorities (race, religion, sexual preference, etc.) will not be tolerated.

Posts making threats of physical violence, stalking, or anything similar will not be tolerated. Offending threads will be copied to a safe location and your IP address will be recorded.

Site Communications

Private messages and Emails can be received from members and Registered Members of Toronto Nissan only.

Using the PM process to send threats of violence, racial attacks, personal or sexually harassing messages is prohibited. You will be warned once and the 2nd offense is a 7 day restriction from the board. Any additional offense of this nature will result in a permanent ban from the site. Anyone that feels they are a victim of this problem should immediately contact a moderator or a site Administrator for assistance. If you have an offeding message: DO NOT DELETE THE MESSAGE(S). Please keep them on hand so that you can forward them to the Administrator, as evidence, for action against the perpetrator.

Derogatory Insults Flames or derogatory

Insults are strictly against the rules. If you disagree with another member’s point of view, do so in a mature and civil manner. If someone posts to discuss their personal problems or seek help from other forum members, please do not respond unless you have something positive or helpful to add. If you find yourself being flamed or insulted by another member, please do not dignify that person with a response. Notify a moderator and let us handle it.

Illegal Activities

Threads/replies encouraging other illegal/unethical action (like “Best way to kill neighbor’s dog?”) will not be allowed. This also includes threads about using and/or obtaining illegal copies of copyrighted material such as software, music, videos, and sharing registration and license keys of copyrighted material.


posts with nudity and “not work safe” posts must be posted in “Pictures/Videos”. With a WARNING posted at the start of the topic.


Trolling”, or makings posts with the sole intention of creating problems on the forums is against forum guidelines. This includes registering an alternate ID for the sole purpose of creating problems on the forums. “Troll ID’s” will be locked immediately and permanently Banned, and can be locked without notification to the offender.

Violations, Suspensions, and Banning

For a first violation,

A warning is sent via email or Private Message (PM) and the offending post is modified/deleted.

For the second violation, a suspension of up to 1 week may be given. If you are suspended, you will receive a PM or Email, your user title will change to “Banned”, and you will not be able to post for that period of time. After the suspension, your posting status will be reinstated.

Third violation may result in long term or permanent ban.

We do however reserve the right to ban you on for however long for whatever reason if we deem necessary.

Any ban over 3 days must be voted on by the Mod/Admin Team
(you can feel assured it was nothing personal).

If you are suspended and you sign up under a new or different username, including an existing screen name that is not yours, is cause for your permanent ban as well as possibly the person whose name you signed on under.

There will be no “gross” pictures of death or maiming posted in any section.

If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact an admin via pm or email

Rules infractions will be dealt with in the following order: 1. First Infraction
Member receives a private message (PM) from the Administrator or Moderator warning of inappropriate conduct or post content. The PM also states that the next infraction will result in a 24-hour temporary account ban.

  1. Second Infraction
    Member receives a 24-hour temporary account ban from the TorontoNissan Forums. Member also receives a PM stating that their account will be deleted if a further infraction is found.

  2. Third Infraction
    Member’s forum account is marked for deletion. Member’s forum account is suspended for 1 week. Member receives an email stating that they have 1 week to argue their case for account reinstatement in the Banned section. If no resolution is agreed after 1 week, member account is deleted permanently.SPAM ACCOUNTS
    Any accounts created purely to spam up the forum will be perma-banned immediately. Reprieve or discussion is neither required or desired.

Infraction System

What is the Infraction System?

The Infraction System allows moderators and administers to regulate members who violate rules in a fair way. A point system is used, and once a member receives a certain amount of infraction points, their account will be banned for a certain amount of time.

After the certain amount of days/months your record will be cleared (does not mean how long you will be banned for)
User Infraction Penalties

Below is a list of the infraction penalties. The expires label denotes how long the points will remain with a user before being removed. The warning label states whether a moderator may give a warning at his/her discretion, instead of penalizing with points.

Offence: Blatantly Off Topic
Points: 1
Expires: 10 days
Warning: Yes

Offence: Non-contributive post
Points: 1
Expires: 5 days
Warning: Yes

Offence: Insult or Personal Attack
Points: 1
Expires: 1 month
Warning: Yes

Offence: Spammed Advertisements - Existing Member
Points: 5
Expires: 6 Months
Warning: Yes

Offence: Attack on Staff
Points: 5
Expires: 12 Months
Warning: Yes

Offence: Spammed Advertisements - New Member
Points: 20
Expires: Never
Warning: No

Automatic Banning

The following displays how many points an unscrupulous member needs before being banned:

3 points, banned for 1 day
5 points, banned for 3 days
10 points, banned for 3 weeks
20 points, banned pemanently

Note: Be sure to check back once in a while to re-read these rules, as they may be modified and/or appended to at any time.
Thank You

toronto Nissan Staff