*Skyline Forum Rules*

General Forum Rules

  • Personal Attacks will NOT be tolerated
  • No racist, sexist, hateful, threatening, obscene, or otherwise rude remarks
  • Posting is a privilege, and not your right.
  • “Vigilante Moderating” will not be tolerated
  • Replying to offensive/flammatory posts makes you just as guilty
  • If you have nothing to contribute to a discussion, don’t post
  • Do not cross-post threads. One thread is enough
  • Don’t be annoying, respect your fellow members. Annoying everyone is enough of a reason to get yourself banned.
  • Discussion of piracy, and other illegal activities will not be toleratedIf you see anyone breaking these rules, click the “REPORT POST TO MODERATOR” (yellow circle to the right of every post (!))button, one of the mods will take care of it. If you keep breaking these rules, you will be banned from the forums. If you’re lucky, you’ll get warned first.Signatures
  • Images in signature must not be larger than 500 pixels width IN TOTAL
  • Images in signature must not be larger than 100 pixels height IN TOTAL (to prevent scrolling)
  • Images in signature must not be larger than 50,000 bytes IN TOTAL
  • May not contain commercial advertisement (sponsors exempt)
  • May not contain racist, sexist, or other derogatory remarks of any sort
  • May only contain “WORKPLACE FRIENDLY” images (STRICTLY ENFORCED)
  • Users are encouraged to add links to marketplace items they have for sale or want to buy into their sig The Basics
    Please don’t type in all caps. Please don’t post the same thing in multiple threads or forums. Signing up for multiple usernames is not allowed. Don’t do anything here you wouldn’t do in your own living room.

TorontoNissan.Ca is a Friendly Community
Treat fellow posters as neighbors. Do not antagonise your neighbors. Please be respectful of each other and each other’s threads. If what someone has posted angers you, take a break, calm down and remember it’s just the internet before you respond. Thinking before posting is a lesson we all learn and re-learn. Tone is difficult to convey in a message forum and English is not everyone’s first language. Please make it clear when you are joking (that’s what the smilies are for) or being sarcastic.

Please Do Not Use Our Forum as a Mean to Get Free Advertising
You may post a link to your sites in your forum profile or signature. However, if you link to your site in the forum we would appreciate a reciprocal link to TorontoNissan.Ca on your site. If it appears that you are posting simply to advertise your website we will email you about this. If you continue to use our forum for free advertising and not discussion we will deactivate your account. Questions about this can be directed to the moderators.

Moderators are people who help keep our forum organised, friendly and informative. Please thank them and send gifts of wine women and song occasionally. Moderators control individual forums. They can edit posts in their forums. If you have a question about a particular forum, you should direct it to your forum moderator. If you have an issue with how something has been moderated send a polite email to the moderator or the administrator (Rick, Zep).

The forum is here so we can have fun. We do not want to spend our time enforcing rules and reminding people to be respectful. We’re fortunate to have such an interesting, amusing, considerate group of people gathered here who always welcome new faces. Thanks to everyone who participates!

Rules infractions will be dealt with in the following order: 1. First Infraction
Member receives a private message (PM) from the Administrator or Moderator warning of inappropriate conduct or post content. The PM also states that the next infraction will result in a 24-hour temporary account ban.

  1. Second Infraction
    Member receives a 24-hour temporary account ban from the TorontoNissan Forums. Member also receives a PM stating that their account will be deleted if a further infraction is found.

  2. Third Infraction
    Member’s forum account is marked for deletion. Member’s forum account is suspended for 1 week. Member receives an email stating that they have 1 week to argue their case for account reinstatement in the Banned section. If no resolution is agreed after 1 week, member account is deleted permanently.SPAM ACCOUNTS
    Any accounts created purely to spam up the forum will be perma-banned immediately. Reprieve or discussion is neither required or desired.

Infraction System

What is the Infraction System?

The Infraction System allows moderators and administers to regulate members who violate rules in a fair way. A point system is used, and once a member receives a certain amount of infraction points, their account will be banned for a certain amount of time.

After the certain amount of days/months your record will be cleared (does not mean how long you will be banned for)
User Infraction Penalties

Below is a list of the infraction penalties. The expires label denotes how long the points will remain with a user before being removed. The warning label states whether a moderator may give a warning at his/her discretion, instead of penalizing with points.

Offence: Blatantly Off Topic
Points: 1
Expires: 10 days
Warning: Yes

Offence: Non-contributive post
Points: 1
Expires: 5 days
Warning: Yes

Offence: Insult or Personal Attack
Points: 1
Expires: 1 month
Warning: Yes

Offence: Spammed Advertisements - Existing Member
Points: 5
Expires: 6 Months
Warning: Yes

Offence: Attack on Staff
Points: 5
Expires: 12 Months
Warning: Yes

Offence: Spammed Advertisements - New Member
Points: 20
Expires: Never
Warning: No

Automatic Banning

The following displays how many points an unscrupulous member needs before being banned:

3 points, banned for 1 day
5 points, banned for 3 days
10 points, banned for 3 weeks
20 points, banned pemanently

Note: Be sure to check back once in a while to re-read these rules, as they may be modified and/or appended to at any time.
Thank You

toronto Nissan Staff

Yep that just about covers everything I think. I mean it should all go without saying but, at least having it in BLACK n WHITE, there’s no way anyone can say they did’nt know.

As for the Skyline forum in particular, I’d expect everyone to behave here as they would on GTRC ok guys?

Thanks everyone and take care.

Cheers :smiley: