FOUND!: Mitsu 16G turbo

Anyone have a junk Mitsu 16G turbo around? Anything really. Looking just for something I can use for mockup.

However, Id be interested in anything used in good condition that I could actually install and run if the price is right.



still looking

yep, anything out there? Im ready to buy something used (good) if that makes a difference.


94excivic has one

I have one, it has a stud stuck on the exhaust side, I’d like to get $325 shipped for it. It’s in excellent condition, typical minimal shaft play. No problems at all. PM me if your interested

i got a volvo 850 turbo for sale if your looking to use for mockup. minimal play, good condition, has 78,000 miles looking to get $150 plus shipping

Found one today. Thanks everyone.
