fs: cheap turbo

i recieved a 13G turbo as a part of a trade and i would like to sell it.

there is no shaft play at all on the turbo, but it isnt a huge one.

would be good for a light KA-T set up.

TD04HL-13G is the model, made in japan… has volvo logos on it.

not sure what it came from (DSM) but best offer takes the thing, i dont need it.

i’ll give ya 50 bucks… and i can pick it up today!

nah $50 is a tad too low, and you would be better off having me ship it if you are in barrie dude…

6 hours of driving (3 here and back) for this thing is nuts… i wouldnt let you drive…

hey bing, i didn’t mean to lowball you, eh… i’d offer more but i don’t really need it. my bro just bought a 91 nissan hardbody and is thinking of doing a cheap little kat setup… i thought this little turbo might do the job nicely (for that price)…

oh, and the fact that you’re in Niagara isn’t a problem… i got peeps everywhere! 8)

thanks anyways, dude :thumright:

on an item like this i dont care if you lowball, just dont lowball on the stuff i have to pay good money to bring up here.

i was looking for like $150+ on this, but i am not sure what they are worth. i figured as much as a stock SR T25 no?

any pics? I’m curious about the flanges, cuz I’d still need to get a KA turbo manifold.

send me an e-mail and i will forward them, i dont feel like hosting them.

i just took a few


ive seen this turbine, its in mint condition and there is no play at all worth more than $200 for sure

how big is it compared to a T25? how much boost you think it could handle?

i have no clue man

the 13G is the mitsubishi version of the Garret T25

the flanges are NOT the same, and it is less efficent. alot of DSM guys port them and suposidly they flow a bit more air

the next step up is a 16G

No, that’s wrong.

The 13B is the smaller brother of the TDo5H, the stock 1st gen DSM talon turbo. The 13B came on auto turbo FWDs.

It’s slightly smaller than a 14B, I think about 375cfm.

The T25 came well after. All have mitsu flanges and are clocked for FWD setups.

ok thats great but bings selling a 13G not a 13B…

Meh … wrong keystroke. Either or, it’s a small 360 cfm turbo, and not the T25.

Judging by the Volvo stampings on it, it’s probably off a V70 or S70. IIRC they were the only Volvos that ran small turbos. Everything else was a TD05 or T3

Try posting on a Volvo board maybe?

For the record, Mr200 is correct. The 13G is a tiny turbo off all 1st gen automatic DSMs. Not trying to rain on your parade here Bing but those turbos sell for under 100 bucks on DSM boards. If you are looking to get more check out the 3000GT/stealth forums, those guys will pay more since they are an upgrade to them.

They will flow 13psi efficiently and 16psi with a very good intercooler. Oh, they are smaller than the T25.


ok i’ll take best off then

gotta be a good deal for someone.


except this is not a tiny dsm one, its from a volvo
its bigger than the dsm for sure, cuz i’ve seen it in person