Frank Zappa

I want to get into his music but don’t know where to start, his discography is a little overwhelming.

DO NOT suggest a greatest hits or complimation of songs. I think that his works should be listened to an album at a time.
DO NOT suggest his “popular” stuff, I hate pop.


Zappa Plays Zappa will be playing at the UB performing arts center October 23rd.

A few albums stand out in my mind. Apostrophe, Overnight Sensation, Bongo Fury, Shut up and Play your Guitar (intrumental, at least mostly), and ANY live stuff you can find (Zappa in New York, You Can’t Do That on Stage Anymore…etc).

Zappa rocks.

When Frank Zappa’s son was a teenager, he was doing a tallent show preforming a Van Halen song. Well, he was practicing backstage and he hears a voice say “you’re doing it wrong”, he turns around and there stands Van Halen. He heard Zappa’s son was playing at a tallent show and wanted to see him. That lets you know the man has tallent…when world famous rock stars come to see his teenage son at a tallent show because of who daddy is.

i’m going to see him with my dad when he comes to UB…not only for the amazing zappa music, but…

the guitarist playing will be…

Steve Vai…o…m…f…g…

Woah…Vai is playing? Hmm…I might have to make it out.

Vai is God…period.

I saw Steve Vai play at G3 once. I really didn’t like his stage pressence, way to cocky and showy. One song he couldn’t get a natural harmonic to work, so he got pissed off at the guitar tech, tried three different guitars and used up 5 minutes just trying to get one note to work.

I like Satch better, but I’ll take what I can get.

what he said…nannook rubs it, dont eat the yellow snow.

personally I like orchestra from hell just for what it stands for, has a prental advisory sticker even though its a completely instrumental album