Freaks come out at Night! Fri/18

Someone said he wants 80k for that caddy. Great turnout btw. Alot went back to the mile and bsed till around 3ish. Had some sweet races on that secret 24 hour racetrack in monroeville also. 95 audi ftmw

good times!

oh ya, to the dude in the LIL silver mazda, how did u manage to hit lauras TA in as spot big enough for a Semi to park?

man thats awful? anything happen to it?

Anyone get any pics. I forgot my camera at home. I saw people taking pics so i’m assuming someone got some??

that dude was trying to play it off like. I didnt hit it. wat are you talking about. meanwhile a group of around ten of us saw it.

It was a good turn out.I left like 11:30 so i missed the fender bender and the cop BS!!!It was nice to see some of u down there.

i def… had the sol faster than it has ever gone

100 @ 12,500 RPM?:zzz:

Definitely a good time.

I intentionally left like 50 feet between me and the car behind and like 7 feet in front of me…because the truck is like xtybillion feet long. Then this guy shows up in the Mazda3 or whatever it was, fairly certain a little tipsy, and goes in reverse into this spot…tapped ever so slightly the car behind (Laura, no luck yesterday!) and then denied it after at least 10 people said he did.

If you’re on here, please be a little more responsible for your actions.

Was the best turnout I’ve seen down there I think.

And I don’t know how that dude managed to back his Mazda into Laura’s T/A… A semi coulda fit in there.

Caddy… Definitely sick

I Liked the two Terminators that showed up too, seen them out at Miracle Mile before.

Justin, the new Silverado is definitely a sexy beast.

pittspeed remedial driving class :dunno:

Dear Rob,
Im sure someone got pics of your mustang…lol…there were tons of pictures taken from tons of people…i made sure Tigawoods got pics of the teg…lol

Thanks! It figures that Jeff and I were talking “I don’t think I’m going to Road Armor this one.” Now, I’m thinking front and rear Road Armor bumpers after last night :slight_smile:

that silverado was perrrrty nice…to big for me…lol…

i am pretty sure that anybody that was there can vouch, besides i did not see you out there in the fun

ya i know it was a big spot… but w/e, people say they saw me hit it, i didnt feel it, and i did take resposibility for whether i hit it or not… that laura girl came up and asked if i did i said i didnt think so but some other dudes say i did, let me know if anything is messed up… there wasnt even any paint traded if it was hit, so drop it!

Hahahahahaha. Justin’s reaction to that whole fiasco was priceless.

had a great time last night! great turn out! lol the car is fine. i didnt see you hit it…you must have just bumped it. i looked at it again today to make sure and theres nothing wrong so dont worry about it. you were the second person to hit my car yesterday so it was a bad day to have it out lol

ya sry bout that controversy last night… im glad nothings wrong with it, its a pretty flashy car

its cool. i thought they ment you hit it hard enough to do some damage so thats why i came at you like a bitch lol sorry. you got my bird silver though haha thanks