Free E46 M3

We wouldnt want you out with us…you may try and eat some of the smaller females we encounter

I’m sorry, are you saying your goals for the evening are NOT to eat the smaller females we encounter?

Well we dont want Benny actually trying to digest them…then we dont have a chance to eat them

thanks for the clarification.

I only eat girls I know would eat me back.

Your target females != my target females.

No problem

Benny would you like to come get delicious 3 dollar burgers at Bourbon street?

Sure, not tonight though, going to the gym, then family shit.

Yes, I said gym.

:eek Nice man:thumbup

I went last night and I’m going after I get said burger. What gym did you sign up for Benny?


just ROFL’d again, thats two.

Boys R Us

Benny Fizzle, Boy Toucher…

Has a better ring than Walker, Texas Ranger.

Buddy of mine has a membership that allows you to bring a friend all the time at PF in rotterdam

Nice kid

would this car opperate properly on a boat, motherfucker?

:rofl Now I’m going to go watch that again.

man this thread has touched on almost all of my current life passions

well done shift518

They didnt mention salad tossing yet, or speedos. So, stay tuned .