Free Energy Drinks

you know whats funny. people on here saying that its fraud and that they can go to jail, and that people are still doing it, then posting there illegal actions all over the internet. smart!

Because it is of a relatively low monetary value, doesn’t make it any less wrong. That’s like killing a retarded child and saying… " It’s not murder, he wasn’t worth much to society"

Wrong? Yep. Less likely to get caught? Yep

You can’t honestly be comparing printing an online coupon to murder. I guess I could see your point in comparing morals but c’mon, after seeing how many people posted how they exploited some sort of add before we are all held to the same standards as someone who takes anothers life?

x2. Knowing any vendor of a product is pretty sweet. Met a few red bull girls at UB while working and every week they ended up stopping by the offices and gave us redbull.

no one said that people on the internet were smart

I liked this post much better pre-edit.