FREE movable basketball hoop

If you want it PM me and come get it.

can u transport it???jkjk

yea, into the bed of someone’s truck :ninja

Funny, I was thinking the same thing.

i’d say we cud bring it to the lower lot n see how many p/rs will play ball while its down there but theyd prolly just see who can be the first one to side swipe it while doing donuts…wheres sliper im sure he cud hit it:thumbup

price is steep


wait the PR’scan do donuts thought they where all fwd?:number1

FWD car = reverse donuts

:rofl sorry

dems be gettin smarter dems haz rwd caddys n buicks n v6 camaros

Should had filled it up and junked with the rest of that crap.

good condition?

how about you pay me $20 and I’ll take it

Lock it up. I just tossed it off the back of my trailer on Erie Blvd.


Yup just totaled my car hitting a basketball hoop on Erie Blvd. Try telling that one to your insurance company

I saw the pile up. Your shit got fucked up.

just saw this on the news, 9 car pile up, 3 of them ferraris. holy SHIT!!!
