Drive downtown and you will notice rows of missing parking meters. The metal pipe is still there, but the vault where you drop your change is gone. The city says someone is stealing the meters.
yeah well, that would require a person to sit and watch the cars all day, or drive around and remember every car and how long it has been sitting there.
I’m not sure how that 2 hour ticket would hold up in court unless they had someone watch your car for 2 straight hours. How can they prove you didn’t leave and come back?
On the news last night they said each meter could have between $30 and $60 in it. So if you average $45 each, and from the news it looked like at least 15, that’s almost $700.
Not bad for a nights work… if you’re into stealing stuff anyway. Besides, how many tips do you think the city is really going to get about this crime?
I don’t park downtown much, even less on the street, but I’m still surprised I never saw them do this before.